Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I am not part of any movement, WHAT I AM DOING IS SOMETHING ETERNAL. It has been going on since the first man appeared on the earth, and it will continue to the last man. It is not a movement, it is the very core of evolution. So you are right that you don't count me as part of the new age movement, I am not.

I AM PART OF THE ETERNAL EVOLUTION OF MAN. The search for truth is neither new nor old. The search for your own being has nothing to do with time. It is non-temporal.

I MAY BE GONE, BUT WHAT I AM DOING IS GOING TO CONTINUE. Somebody else will be doing it. I was not here and somebody else was doing it. Nobody is a founder in it, nobody is a leader in it. It is such a vast phenomenon that many enlightened people have appeared, helped and disappeared.

BUT THEIR HELP HAS BROUGHT HUMANITY A LITTLE HIGHER, made humanity a little better, a little more human. They have left the world a little more beautiful than they had found it.

IT IS A GREAT CONTENTMENT TO LEAVE THE WORLD A LITTLE BETTER. More than that is asking too much. The world is too big, a single human individual is too small. If he can leave just few touches to the painting, which for millions of years has been made by evolution, that's enough. Just few touches… a little more perfection, a little more clarity.

Socrates Poisoned Again After 25 Centuries
Ch #11: Utopia is just around the corner

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