Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Just peace.....just a silence......OSHO

"Just this moment, when this silence pervades, who are you?
A nobody, a non-entity.
You don't have a name, you don't have a form.
You are neither man nor woman, Hindu nor Mohammedan.
You don't belong to any country, to any nation, to any race.
You are not the body, not the mind.
Then who are you? In this silence, what is the taste of you?
How does it taste to be?
Just peace.....just a silence......
and out of that peace and silence a great joy starts surfacing, welling up, for no reason at all.
It is your spontaneous nature."

(Osho: The Book of Books, discourses on the Dhammapada, June 29, 1979)
'To be humble is to be on the first leg of the journey to purity. The humble has yet to be on the first leg of the journey to purity. The humble has yet to be pure. He is on the way to it. One cannot be pure without being humble, because there is no greater impurity than ego'.


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