Tuesday, July 27, 2010


THE MESSAGE OF THE MASTER has to be contained in a word or in words. So don't think that words are not powerful. Ordinary, mundane words have no power, they have only utility. But when the enlightened man speaks, the word has no utility, it simply has a tremendous power to transform your heart.

So when I say, "Spread the word," I mean whatever I have been telling you, go on spreading in as many ways as possible. USE ALL THE NEWS MEDIA, USE EVERYTHING THAT TECHNOLOGY HAS PROVIDED, SO THAT THE WORD REACHES TO EVERY NOOK AND CORNER OF THE EARTH.

And remember, it is far more powerful than any nuclear weapons -- because nuclear weapons can only bring death. That is not power. BUT THE WORD WHICH HAS COME FROM AN ENLIGHTENED CONSCIOUSNESS CAN BRING NEW LIFE TO YOU -- it can give you rebirth, resurrection. That is power. Destroying something, any idiot can do. Creating needs intelligence.

I WILL BE LEAVING WORDS OF IMMENSE POTENTIALITY FOR YOU. If you can simply go on whispering them, you will be surprised that THEY CAN CHANGE THE WHOLE HUMAN HEART!

If the word has come from the awakened consciousness, as it reaches within you it becomes sound -- because meaning is of the mind. Deeper than mind is no-meaning, just sound. But there is still a depth where sound disappears into silence. THE TRUE WORD, THE AUTHENTIC WORD, ALWAYS CREATES SILENCE IN YOU. That is the criterion of its power -- that it is not empty. It contains sound, the sound contains silence, and silence is the nature of existence.

The Path of the Mystic
Ch #38: Death is others' opinion about you

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