Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Your questions.......OSHO

Always remember it: WHENEVER YOU COME TO AN ENLIGHTENED MAN, whatsoever you say is not the point. He talks out of his heart. In fact, he does not answer your questions; he answers YOU, your deepest need, about which you yourself are not aware.

It happens so many times when I am answering your questions. MANY TIMES YOU FEEL AS IF YOUR QUESTION HAS NOT BEEN ANSWERED. I know it; I am aware of it. It need not be answered. But through your question I can feel a deep urge, a deep inquiry, about which you yourself are not aware. You cannot be aware in the state you are in. In your unconsciousness you can ask only wrong questions; in my awareness I can answer only right answers. I will repeat: in your sleep you can ask only wrong questions, in my awareness I can answer only right answers. On the surface it will look absurd.

Come Follow Yourself
Vol 3, Ch #7: The more you love, the more fear disappears

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